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Learning Prescriptions:

Learning Prescriptions:

During the last year, it has become clear that we need new innovations in education. One such innovation is the “ Learning Prescription”. I had been earlier espousing the idea of a “ to learn” list in analogy to the “ to do “ list that is now well known in project implementation.

The five-hour rule was coined by Michael Simmons, founder of Empact, who has written about it widely. The concept is wonderfully simple: No matter how busy successful people are, they always spend at least an hour a day — or five hours a work week — learning or practicing. And they do this across their entire career. For more read here : ……

When you make learning a habit, you’ll very likely be more successful and productive across different areas of your life. By investing in a reading habit, you can ensure you’re growing yourself — and your company — every day.

Prescriptions have a better possibility of being acted upon and followed, than mere advice or exhortations. I am developing this concept, as learning is eventually personalised.

To get a flavour of what “ Learning Prescriptions” might look like, here is a sample 5-hour learning prescription to use during the coming week. Prescription to be carried out to build ‘ learning power’. 


Videos: (5) ~ 3 hours

1: Ken Robinson : The element (40 minutes) :

2: Paul Nurse : What is Life? (60 minutes) :

3: The map of Mathematics (11 minutes ):

4: The usefulness of useless knowledge: (55 minutes) :

5: Why most people will remain in mediocrity (12 minutes) :


1: The Sabre tooth curriculum:

2: The Dragon Slayer Curriculum:

3: The parrots tale:

4: ElDorado :

5: On being the right size:

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